A free 60-minute webinar on preventing workplace violence in healthcare settings is available from The Joint Commission, a long-standing OSHA national alliance partner. The webinar includes an overview of OSHA’s Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers, as well as a discussion of a multi-hospital intervention study that reduced violent events.
OSHA has redesigned the agency’s enforcement webpage to make it easier for users to find information on inspections, penalties, policy, guidance, and compliance assistance. Users can also access information by industry.
More than 1,700 organizations are participating in Safe + Sound Week, a nationwide event Aug. 13-19 to raise awareness and understanding of the value of safety and health programs.
More than 2,000 participants have registered workplace events. The governors of Kansas, Missouri andNebraska issued proclamations officially recognizing this outreach effort.
OSHA issued a final rule to extend the compliance date for specific ancillary requirements in the general industry beryllium standard to Dec. 12. The extensionapplies to methods of compliance, beryllium work areas, regulated areas, personal protective clothing and equipment, hygiene facilities and practices, housekeeping, hazard communication, and recordkeeping. During this time, the agency will prepare a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to clarify certain provisions that maintain worker safety and health, and address employers’ concerns with compliance. Read the news release for more information.
OSHA redesigned the Law and Regulations webpage that features information on standards and rulemaking. Users can now search standards by keyword or number, find a list of key resources, and see the latest updates on active rulemaking. The page also features information buttons to explain regulatory language that may be unfamiliar to some users. Visit the revised page to learn how OSHA accomplishes its mission through rulemaking.