As outdoor temperatures drop and winter storms approach, employers should take measures to keep their workers safe. OSHA's Winter Weather webpage provides information on protecting workers from hazards while working outside during severe cold and snow storms. This guidance includes information on staying safe while clearing snow from walkways and rooftops.
OSHA issued a proposed rule on Dec. 10 to revise the beryllium standard for general industry. The proposed changes are designed to clarify the safety standard and improve compliance. The proposed rule would amend selected paragraphs of the standard, and also replace Appendix A, Operations for Establishing Beryllium Work Areas. Comments on the proposed rule must be submitted by Feb. 9, 2019. For more information, read the news release.
Employers and workers are invited to participate in the fourth annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, May 6-10, 2019. The weeklong outreach event encourages employers and workers to pause during the workday to discuss fall hazards and how to prevent them. Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry, accounting for 37 percent of fatalities industry-wide. For resources on fall prevention visit OSHA's webpage.
Grain handling and storage is a key safety issue for the grain, feed, and processing industries. OSHA and its Alliance partner, the National Grain and Feed Association, in cooperation with the Grain Elevator and Processing Society, will hold Stand-Up for Grain Safety Week, March 25-29, 2019. The event will focus on grain bin entry, machine guarding, respiratory protection, falls, heat, lockout/tagout, and other industry issues. Employers and workers are encouraged to participate in local stand-up events. Visit the Stand-Up website for more information on the national outreach campaign.
OSHA continues to provide technical assistance and outreach in areas impacted by Hurricane Michael. To date, OSHA has reached more than 2,400 workers, and helped remove more than 600 workers from serious hazards through on-site interventions. Normal enforcement operations have returned throughout most of Florida and Georgia. For more information, see the news release.
OSHA is joining with other federal agencies to help those impacted by devastating wildfires in California. OSHA is partnering with the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division to help protect worker safety and wages during cleanup and recovery operations. To learn about other Labor Department assistance efforts, read the news release.