Rutgers School of Public Health Center for Public Health Workforce Development has now added dates for Managing Electrical Hazards for Construction and General Industry courses.
Most commercial buildings have greater electrical demand, with higher voltages and multi-phased electrical services that require constant maintenance. Exposure to hazardous electrical energy may result in burns, shocks, fires, indirect fall and severe injury leading to death. This training will expand knowledge of identifying, avoiding, and controlling electrical hazards using best practices from NFPA 70E and applicable construction and general industry standards.
Topics Covered
- The nature of electricity
- OSHA’s regulatory requirement for protecting workers who work around electrical hazards
- National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 70E upgrades 2015, 2018, and 2021
- Duties and responsibilities of host and controlling employers
- Applying hierarchy of controls to protect workers from electrical hazards
- Benchmark existing organizational systems against best practices and applying regulatory standards
Who should attend
Safety and health trainers, managers, and supervisors who are responsible for protecting workers from electrical hazards on worksites
Synchronous training through Zoom.
Instructor: Mike Presutti
No registration fee
Register for Managing Electrical Hazards for Construction and General Industry