Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New educational resources available: Agriculture and Spanish language

OSHA has developed a new agricultural fact sheet and QuickCardTM on the safe use of tripod orchard ladders, which are used by workers such as fruit pickers and landscapers. Many workers have been hurt from slips on rungs, falls, collapsing ladders and being struck by tree branches.
These resources explain the safety precautions employers and supervisors should take to prevent these injuries. The QuickCardTM is available in English and Spanish.
Also now available online is a Spanish-language version (PDF*) of OSHA's Asbestos fact sheet. Asbestos is a known human carcinogen that can cause chronic lung disease as well as lung and other cancers. The fact sheet lists jobs that may expose workers to asbestos hazards and explains the OSHA standards that employers are required to follow to protect workers from those hazards.
To order quantities of these or any other OSHA materials, visit OSHA's Publications Web page or call the Office of Communications at (202) 693-1999.